
Maureen R. Durning Presenter Highlight

July 12, 2023

Maureen R. Durning, Owner/Director of Butterfly Trainings that Transform LLC, shares a highlight from her experience working with CalTrin to present trainings on the Protective Factors Framework.

Video Transcript

Speaker: Maureen R. Durning, Owner/Director, Butterfly Trainings that Transform LLC

Maureen R. Durning: I would highly recommend working with CalTrin to any other subject matter experts. I love the mission of CalTrin. I love how they offer quality free web-based trainings on a wide variety of topics to California and the nation. We had quite a few Idaho people who joined in on some of our sessions. As trainers, we all have so much good information to share, and CalTrin gives us a fun and efficient way to share it. My personal vision is a world where all children thrive, and working with CalTrin, I believe can help us make that come true.

Produced with Vocal Video