
Jessica Mattly on Direction, Alignment, Commitment

February 23, 2024

CalTrin Training Coordinator Jessica Mattly, MBA, provides an overview of our Direction, Alignment, Commitment (DAC) training and how leaders can use the DAC Assessment to improve results.

Video Transcript

Speaker: Jessica Mattly, MBA, CalTrin Training Coordinator

Tell us about how this training can enhance leadership outcomes.

Jessica Mattly, MBA: This (Direction, Alignment, Commitment) training can enhance leadership outcomes by helping you narrow down and focus your efforts. Often I hear leaders say, "I wish I could identify where exactly to focus my energy right now." While this training not only helps you assess where on your team do you need to focus those efforts, is it direction? So people are clear on where to go. Is it alignment? So people know what they should be doing. Or is it commitment in ensuring that people are willing to do it? This training will help you not just assess where your team might be, but also give you some practical next steps on what you can do to address that need.

What can participants expect to learn?

Jessica Mattly, MBA: Participants in this training can expect to learn about a valuable tool called the Direction, Alignment, Commitment (DAC) Assessment. They'll learn what this Assessment is, how to use it and then, they'll learn how to explore the results of the Assessment and how to implement some actionable next steps.

Who is this training designed for?

Jessica Mattly, MBA: This training was designed for individuals in leadership roles within an organization, which means that they have direct reports.

What will the training experience be like for participants?

Jessica Mattly, MBA: This training experience is designed to be interactive but also self-reflective for participants. The goal is that they have the space and the tools to not just assess how their team is really doing but have some next steps on what to do about it.

What have other people said about this training?

Jessica Mattly, MBA: People who have attended this training have said that they really appreciate having an assessment that they can use and a tool that's readily available to them, that they can provide to their team members and that they can utilize the results of that tool to figure out where to place their focus. Leaders have a lot of competing priorities. And this just helps narrow down where to start.

Produced with Vocal Video