
Calvin McNeely for Business Alliance Inc Video Testimonials

September 17, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Calvin McNeely

What value do you get from BAI Virtual Mixers?

Calvin McNeely: The bi a virtual mixer is better than any in person networking event I've ever been to and I'm an in-person guy, but I love these mixer events. Where else in 90 minutes? Can I have amazing conversations with 8, 1012, maybe even more franchisors. I love the style. I love the setup. I love everything about it. It's great. Bring me more ba I virtual mixers.

What opportunities do you think people miss out on by not attending our Virtual Mixers?

Calvin McNeely: Well, you don't know what you don't know. So, if you don't attend so be it. But I think you're missing an opportunity, a great opportunity to learn about. I don't know, 90 minutes you can learn about 8, 1012, maybe more franchisors. You can learn about franchisors. You haven't talked to yet. I love the randomness of it. I love that. Um, I just don't know who's gonna pop in next and I have a great conversation and all of a sudden I, I'm excited about a new franchise. So I think, I think you're missing out if you don't attempt.

Do you have any advice for affiliates attending a BAI Virtual Mixer?

Calvin McNeely: Hey, take care of your business ahead of time. Have a quiet place for 90 minutes. Put your computer on, do not disturb. Make sure you're on your computer. Be present. Have the mindset you're gonna learn and have exciting conversations if you want to take notes. Great, take notes. If you don't want to, I don't think you need to. You, you got an opportunity to share your information afterwards. You're gonna get a report of everyone you talk to. Um, I always have water with me and um, enjoy the 90 minutes. If you need to take a break in the middle, take a break. Not a big deal.

Produced with Vocal Video