
Amy Seban for Business Alliance Inc Broker of The Month

June 03, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Amy Seban

What does franchising mean to you?

Amy Seban: What does Franchising mean to me? I think that Franchising is a phenomenal way to start a business. There's no reason that you should try and re invent the wheel by figuring things out yourself. Franchising is a proven model that has a support system of not only a corporate company with years of background but also other franchise owners that are always there and willing to help each other out with best practices. Maybe some challenges they're dealing with um sharing job postings, sharing compensation structures, as well as all of the legal aspects of owning a business. I personally own two franchises myself. And I know I would not have been as successful as I was in either of those businesses without that model in place and somebody to always go to when I'm struggling with something. Um You know, there's Franchising is just something that it really is a phenomenal way to be a business owner. Um It's the support, it's the structure, it's the game plan, it's the ongoing operations, all of the things that you can really do wrong and increase your chances of success by over 80% by being a part of a franchise versus trying to start it yourself and hoping you figure it out the right way.

What are you passionate about outside of work?

Amy Seban: What am I passionate about outside of work? My family. That's number one part of why I love doing what I do, being a business owner and being a franchise consultant, helping other people find that next step is that I can be a full time mom. I have a 21 month old and I have another one due in July. So I'm almost popping with my second and I can still do this and help people achieve their dreams while running my other business with my husband. Um Well, being there and present for my Children and that, that is something that I would never allow to be taken away from me again. I do not want someone else raising my Children and I want to control my own destiny. Um Besides that, very passionate about helping others, uh the gym is a huge uh motivator for me. I've been in the fitness industry pretty much my entire life. I've been an athlete, a personal trainer and it's pretty much my sanity. Um And I would say those are my main passions outside of work that make me wanna get out of bed every morning and be the best person that I can be.

What are the top 1-3 Items on your bucket list?

Amy Seban: What's on the top of my bucket list? I would say the first is getting to a place in my businesses where they are pretty self sufficient and able to run themselves. So my husband and I and my two Children can travel the world together. Uh There's just so many places that you can see and experience in different cultures that I would love to provide that for my family and my husband and I also own a short term rental vacation management company. It is a franchise. So we're hoping that one day we can own some of our own short term rentals, even in other parts of the country where we can go and vacation and enjoy as a family in an open space and while also keeping it as a business model. So I would say those are my top two main bucket list items for the near future.

Produced with Vocal Video