
FranLink Edit Profile

July 02, 2024

Video Transcript

Hey everybody. Brandon Clifford here, CEO Business Alliance. Uh First and foremost, it's so exciting to be launching friend link. It's great to see all the new members that are coming in here daily. Um Today, I just want to take a quick moment and walk through how to set up your profile to, to make sure everyone. Uh it's very simple and easy for you to do, right? And uh you don't have to go searching for information to figure it out. So uh it'll take just a few minutes, I'm gonna walk through setting up a profile, right? So, um first of all, you know, when you get the link, it, it, it prompts you to create a user name and a and a and a log in. I'm sure that's pretty self explanatory. We're all adults who sign up for enough, enough platforms these days uh to know how to do that. So I didn't think I had to go through there. But what I have here is it's kind of like a um a fake profile just to, to get it going right. And of course, when you, when you log in, you'll see your hub um you know, this is personalized to you just so, you know, so this will only show posts in hubs that you're a part of. You know, there's a lot of different platforms depending on the type of member um that we have here, the events that you're a part of um and have your welcome checklist, right? So make sure you're following your checklist, you're filling out your profile, you're downloading the app. Um You're gonna comment on something in FranForum. You're gonna introduce yourself to the world and you're gonna adjust your notifications. But today we're gonna focus on how to fill out your profile, alright. So when you click on that, it pops up this little side screen here, um you can make it full screen if you, if you choose. Um it, it's totally up to you but uh oh, I'm sorry, I hit the wrong button but you got to fill out your profile right here. It's already, you don't have to navigate there. So you can obviously change the background if you want. Um You can come in here, pick a thumbnail. Um You know, obviously you're, if you're a franchisor, you know, you probably wanna put your logo. If you're a broker, you want to put, you know, your logo as well, you can or I got a good picture of us all from, from conference. That looks pretty good, right? Um Click the pencil here. You can also now upload a headshot. Um, let's go with, with this one of me speaking at conference last year. All right. Um, then you're gonna put in your name obviously, right? So I got J Brandon example here, set up your bio a bio, you know, write a little bit of a bio. This is important, you know, and it can be personal, it can be professional, it could be a combination of both, you know. Um, you don't have to uh give the, the right war and peace here, but just something simple. You know, my name is Brandon. I live in New Hampshire. I love the mountains. Boom right. Um, you feel free to go as long as you want, right? But then this about me is a little bit more of an introduction to your bio, right? You know, so your, your bio is a mini thing that everyone can see on your profile, right? It's just like a quick little statement of who you are and then your about me is the longer section of your accomplishments and what you've done, right? Um This is also important though because down the road, there's abilities for us to have members that are like each other. And if you have similar interests, if you, if you're into fishing, if you're into baseball, right? And we want to do something at Fenway Park someday, You know, we know to invite certain uh members that are into baseball, And, and things like that. So feel free to get as creative as, as you want, it'll only enhance the platform, There's also this get me started where you can uh answer some questions here. And then A I will help you write your bio, So if you're someone who's not much of a wordsmith and that's OK, or you just haven't had much coffee in the morning at that point and you want a little bit of help from A I, that's the world we live in today in 2024. You can do that here too, So personal links, this would be things like you're linkedin Your company's website, if you're a franchisor or a broker, you want to put your broker website on here. Uh Supplier, obviously your supplier website. Um If you feel like you want to connect to other um social media platform forms, that's totally fine too X Facebook, Instagram, whatever. Anything personal you want to put on there, go ahead. Do you have an Etsy store? Go ahead, put it on here, you know, um profession. This is actually really important. This is what I wanted to show. First and foremost is the profession we have set in here. Um And we have three types of members. We have brokers, we have franchisors and we have suppliers. And it's really important, it's crucial um for you to be able to designate who you are and let people find you based on your profession. So come in here and select the profession that applies to you. If you're a broker, pick broker, if you, if you work for a franchise company, select Franchisor, if you're a supplier, select supplier. Um so in that way, people can, can find you and, and you know, and we can address the right types of people on the right the right manner, right, um location, they will guess your location based on, um, your IP address of the computer that you're filling it out. Um So whether you want to change that, keep it, it's up to you. Um, you know that it's obviously your own, your own preference there. So, um, and then down below that, it's just the, the spaces that you're part of that's gonna be different based on the membership that you have. And today it's really just for, if you're a broker, you're in the broker form. If you're a franchisor, you're in the franchisor form. Um It's, it's a pretty simple, simple today as we can go. We're all in the Fran form as well and then you just click save and you're good to go. All right. So then now you have a, a good setup, uh, profile J Brandon example is here. Um I didn't do the about me. Unfortunately, I, I'm a little bit of a slacker but it has my profession and where I'm located. Right. So pretty simple. And easy to do if you have any questions, please reach out.

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