
FranForum & Broker Forum

July 01, 2024

Video Transcript

Hey, everybody. Welcome back, Brandon Clifford here. Really excited to talk a little bit about the forum aspect that we have here to FranLink, right? So of course, FranLink is great for, for, you know, continuing education training, going through the the onboarding modules. But a big element of this is it, it's a community hub, So our ultimate goal is to to not just teach you how to run a successful franchise brokerage business, but to allow you to connect with other top affiliates, top brokers who are, who are making things happen in the franchise space, but also the the people on the franchise brand side, franchisors, you can get to know them, you want to do business with the people that you know, like and trust, right? And then of course, your suppliers as well too, you want to be able to find them. And yes, definitely, we have a space dedicated for you to learn about franchisors, different brands that are out there as well as suppliers and solutions for your business. But I'm gonna start with today just talking about two elements, which is the franforum and the broker forum. So let's let's dive in real quick. So you can see here from the FranLink hub. You can very easily access the fan forums. So the FranForum is built for all the members on our platform, whether you're a brand, a supplier, um or, or a franchise broker, right? And so it is very easy, simple to navigate, think about Linkedin essentially, but just simply for the BAI network. So right here, you'll see it's a feed. Very simple news feed, you can share an update whether it's personal professional, here's a great article shared by one of our members. You know, you can share inspirational quotes. write an article, you can share a poll, You can share something funny like this here on a by one of our members on a, on a Monday morning, right? So just a way again, you can I cut through the noise Get to know one another... Pat each other on the back. We share business development, webinars in here um updates, you know, things that are important for you to know or just something for you to get excited about like CoolVu here is excited to be a part of our platform, right? Um So again, there's, there's the the news feed, there are events from time to time that are for the entire system and they'll be posted in here. And this is also a way for you to easily access access the members that are part of this, right? Um So then going back a little bit, you also have what's called the broker forum So as a A BAI registered broker, you're gonna have access to to this space where you have a resource library, whether it's updates from HQ news and notes, our brand reference center, our weekly Econnections are all stored in here. There's templates, right So easily editable one sheets for you to create a one sheet about a brand or, or a powerpoint presentation for a candidate, um candidate questionnaires, things that you'll share with your candidate once you get going to get to know them better. And of course, a simple, easy way for you to submit your referral fee once you, once you close your deal, right? Even some compliance stuff down here at the bottom disclosure forms and W9 forms, things like that, that's all housed in the resource library. We also have a specific feed set aside just for you all, just for our registered BAI affiliates. You know, where you don't have to worry about. Is there a franchisor in here? You know, this is a place where you could share reviews, um you know, of brands that you're working with success stories, closed deals, kudos, things like that. Um we obviously repost all of our business development webinars that we host we share with our network in here. We put any sort of events that are happening that are broker specific are also going to be in here. Welcome webinars, all those sorts of things, right? So this is a great place for you to know what's happening. That way you can tune into everything and not miss a miss a Beat, right? This is all mobile optimized as well. So it all happens right on your phone, on the app that's on your phone. You can get, you could set it up even where if this business development webinar is one that you wanted to make sure you get to set an RSVP for it. You can even set a push notification where it'll pop up on your phone and then wherever you are, whether you're traveling, you're at the playground with your kids. you're in your car driving back from a networking event, whatever it might be, you'll get a notification that says that event is starting and you can join right from there, right? And, and a members only section too. So you can not only see the members like the corporate team that are listed on here, but also, you know, other brokers, you know, so you can definitely connect with one another, share best practices and get to know each other, right? So like I said, the, the, the FranLink hub is not just simply for continuing education, it's also for community engagement. It's a community platform for you all to connect with each other as well as other franchise professionals that could help impact your business.

Produced with Vocal Video