
Franchise Vault

July 02, 2024

Video Transcript

All right, excited to continue to go through FranLink with you guys here and explain this tool. And um you know, I'm really excited today to talk about what's called the franchise vault. I know of course, uh you're getting in this business to help inspire people to take the leap into entrepreneurship via Franchising. And of course, you have to have a way and a vehicle to find the right fit for them, right? And so that's why we built the franchise Vault. It's a, it's a great tool, a way for you to easily navigate and understand and get information about all the different franchises that are within our network. You know, of course, at the end of the day, your role, your job as a, as a independent affiliate, as a registered franchise broker here at BA I is not to be an expert in any particular brand. Um but it's to, to know enough to be able to help a candidate make a really difficult decision, educate them and get them excited about a particular and so they want to go learn more and then you, you make a referral, you pass them to the brand and you help them with their due diligence, right? So this is just a, a kind of a virtual marketplace, a way for you to, to be able to easily navigate and find out about different brands. Um You know, it's not uh some sort of a snap your fingers. Um you know, put in into an algorithm is gonna spit out a perfect franchise. That's not how business works, right? But what it is is it's a way for you to very quickly cut through information, um understand the differences between different business models and they make really solid recommendations for your candidate and add value to their search, right? So let's just dive into this real quick. So, first of all, I want to share that we have some training on, on um you know, how to um I guess, navigate and, and understand the, the franchise vault because of it. Ultimately, there's 400 or so or so franchises in here and who knows at the time you're watching this, there may be more, we're always growing, we're always adding and adding new brands and you know, and what not to make sure, obviously uh selectively. Um but in vetting them properly, but you know, it, um how do you eat a whale? It's one bite at a time, right? And so we've broken up our franchise network into four different categories. Um We have the retail collective of the franchise vault we have the non retail collective, we have home based and we have mobile, right? So four different business models that kind of encompass um you know, Franchising in a sense and we have them all broken down here in a training module for you to be able to go through and understand what is a retail franchise. What are the pros and cons of, of retail um Franchising, you know what and then to go and actually click in here and learn about all these different brands, right? Um So let's just real quick dive in here and go check out and see what an example of a listing page might look like, right? So this for instance, is, is AAMCO. So when you get into AAMCO, which is the in the retail franchise vault, um you'll find me there'll be one pagers that you can download to easily share with your candidate. Um These are great, they tools, they're, they're, they're kind of vanilla branding. They have the, the BAI registered logo on them, but they don't have any contact information for the particular brand. So you could share this with the candidate. Um and then know that you the source, you're the point of contact with that candidate, right? Um But there's high level information, of course about um the industry about the brand, there's videos you can watch, there's other one pagers and um and things that you can download, um even franchise disclosure documents are stored on here. Of course, these are for your use only. You can never disclose a candidate that's up to the franchisor to do, we'll get more into that, down the road and then of course, there's contact information for who you want to talk to, right? Um, but like I said, this is a wealth of information, probably too much to go through, in just a quick five minute video here, but, you know, they're broken down into four different categories. Like I said, this is the retail vault. Um Anything that requires a, a physical space, a retail space on an end cap. So things like custom t-shirt or American family care, um you know, there's lash lounges, massage signage companies, um, cleaners, anything that needs a retail space would be found in the retail collective, right? Then there's non retail, right? So non retail is slightly different. Um This still requires some sort of physical space, but it's more of like an executive office space. So you'll see a lot of senior care in the non retail collective. Um There's home services companies like plumbers here, um disaster restoration, um cabinet companies, you know, a lot of home services, they will require you to have some sort of an, an office space or maybe a, you know a kind of in light industrial place for, for tools or whatnot, but you don't need a, an a, you know, end cap retail space like you do for, for a quick service restaurant or something like that. Right. So, staffing companies, um, home inspection, um, lawn care, I mean, you name it, there's, there's really a franchise for everything and it's probably found here in the vault. Right. Um, going into the mobile Collective, um, in here you'll find things like, that don't require any sort of space at all. It's, um, you know, mostly, uh kind of like a man in a van or a woman, sometimes they are called a chuck in a truck or, you know, or whatnot, you know, where you just have a mobile business, you're on the road, um, or a fleet of vehicles and your people are out on the road, but you don't need to park them per se, you know, anywhere other than a park lot, right? You don't need an office space. So, like tree service, uh mosquito companies. Um, there's some appliance repair, vending machine, you know, things like, you know, things like this that you can get out in the, into the, into the field quite a bit as opposed to, to needing a physical office space to run your business. Right. Um And then finally we have home based businesses. So these are businesses that can be operated in the comfort of your home, you know, so there's some, it solutions, um, you know, some uh assisted living locators where you're like a senior advisor Right. Um, so Blue Moon estate sales, all these sorts of things. You're, you, you, you never, you don't, all you need is the internet. Um, and, uh, and a computer and you can operate these businesses from the comfort of your home. Right. So that being said, this is just a quick overview of the franchise vault. There's over 400 brands in here. You know, and while it might seem like a lot, it's, um, it, it's part of, it's part of what, what you want to do here, you want to become proficient, um, and understanding all the differences between different franchise models out there. So that way you can educate your candidates well and help them make a really smart investment decision. So thank you so much for your time.

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