
Creating a Brand Comparison E-Book

July 25, 2024

Video Transcript

All right. So today gonna just real quick go over how to create a really nice looking one pager. you know, via FranLink to be able to share with your candidates, something to get them excited to have just enough information for them to understand the business model, the franchises that you're recommending for them enough to like wet their appetite, but get them excited to want to learn more. You know, something that I think is, is worth doing a screen share. Um you know, via zoom with your candidate. I think that's a great way to present these, these opportunities. But then something you can also send via email, right? And there's a few different ways you can do this. So, first of all, in our resource center, we have some downloadable, editable one sheets that you can get and you can create your own custom one page that you can send to candidates, So if you want to get really specific on the type of information you want, these are really simple, easy to use tools. They're found the resource center very easy, download it you know, go ahead and, and go at it and have some fun, right? There's also a powerpoint template that you can use in there as well. So feel free to use the powerpoint templates if you'd rather do a powerpoint presentation, that's totally fine as well. But for the purpose of today, we're actually going to use the, the premade one pagers that every single franchisor will have on their page for you because that's the fastest, simplest and easiest way to do it. And we all know we like we like fast, simple and easy, right? So when you get into the franchise vault and you start researching brands, you've narrowed it down. You know, let's say for instance, this particular candidate is just interested in the, in the beauty space. So we have, you know, we've narrowed it down to Radiant Waxing, Deka Lash and Dry Bar the three brands that I'm going to present to my candidate, right? So very simple. I want to create something that's easy. That's functional, that I can do on, I can share my screen and walk them through. But then I also want to be able to email them something that looks nice, right? So I very quickly can come to their their their space. I click on this button, I download a radiant waxing one pager, right? I come to Deka Lash, I download a Deka Lash one pager, right? I go to dry bar, I download a dry bar one pager, right? So now I have all three of those separate, you know, you could even just email those three PDFs to your candidate. Uh put in a nice body of an email. Hey, Mr and Mrs candidate, I think these are great fits for you. These are the reason why; check it out. Ideally, like I said, I think it'd be great to do a Zoom a screen share, and kind of walk them through this. It has the logo of the brand, it has the registered franchise broker um badge on here. That way they know you're who you are and, and that you're legit, so to speak, right? But it gives them just enough information to be able to you know, I guess, understand what they're, what they're getting into, right? But to take it one step further, if you want to create an ebook or something, sort of, I guess fancier for lack of a better terms, we have this tool that we found for you guys through Adobe. it's free to use. It's very simple. The link is also in the resource library. So you just click on the link, you open it up here, And now you can merge your PDF files into a nice, you know, looking an ebook here. So select files. I'm gonna select the ones that I've just recently downloaded. It's, it's really fast and easy to do. Click this little plus button to insert another file, get my dry bar one, got my deka lash one and add another one, radiant waxing one pager. You could even create a PDF. And, and we can help you with this if it's something you need that has your headshot and your contact information, that could be the first page. Um And then you put these three or two or five however many brands you're gonna put in there, you click merge. Maybe you even, you save a PDF of their Zorakle if they took a Zorakle. So then you have that. Um you know, and then your PDF is merged and, and you just download it from here and it's, it's yours, right? It's yours. It's easy to use. Um I gotta sign in, forgot to sign in. It's free to make an account and now that I'm signed in, I can download this E book here. Download my PDF. And now I have a three page PDF. All brands put together comparison side by side. All right. So that's all I got for you guys today really quick tip. And hopefully, uh you take advantage of it.

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