
BAI Short Testimonial Part 1 Mark Lerner

October 07, 2024

Video Transcript

I was, I was in corporate America for 30 plus years and this was a pretty significant pivot for me. So what drew you here? I had looked into a franchise before, earlier in my career and it wasn't the right time or the right one for me, went back to corporate America didn't enjoy it. And I figure at this advanced age, it was time for me to do something. I enjoyed a little more and take control of my own destiny. But when I was ready to get back into Franchising, I called up the franchise consultant that I was working with and instead of uh suggesting a new franchise, he said, why don't you do what I'm doing? I think you'd be good at it. And I said, you're crazy. I can never do it. But with the support and the assistance from the team at BA I uh Natalie Gina and Heath and, and company at the time they on boarded me and it's been a really great ride and a, a great success for me.

Produced with Vocal Video