Hi, this is Vin at the VA I franchise conference in Orlando. This week, I got a great opportunity to meet a lot of the people who support me in person and really enable 434 franchise consulting. I'd like to introduce everybody to one of them. Christina. Thanks. Then my name is Christina mcgarvey and I am the franchise uh services director here at BA. I pleasure to be here. And thanks for coming. Can you tell me and, and tell the people I work with what the BA I process is to vet the franchises that become part of our network? Absolutely. So we actually take uh a deep dive into the franchises that we bring on. We do a 20 point review. Uh We make sure that we're hitting all of the things that are black and white within the FDD, but also we take it a step further. So I look up their franchise development process. How many people are within that franchise development process? I look up their feedback on their social media sites, even diving into some of their franchise owners, social media sites. Once I gather all of that information, I then take it to our selection committee and we vote as a team who we think is going to do well within our system. We want to make sure we don't have too many brands that are within the same industry. When we're looking at this, we want to make sure we have a wide range of investment levels as well. We look at retail, non retail, mobile and home based. And do you re evaluate franchises in the network as well? Absolutely. Every year each franchise turns in their FTD and we go back through that and if we have any questions we get with them and we also make sure that their information is updated. So that is key when renewing our contract, we want to make sure that we have the most relevant information that's up to date for you to be able to present outstanding. Thank you. That adds a lot of value for me.