
Newlywords Review From Brenda

May 21, 2021

Newlywords review from Brenda for a retirement memory book

Video Transcript

Speakers: Brenda, Retirement Memory Book

Brenda: Hi, we made a Newlywords book for my boyfriend's retirement and it was so easy and fun. We reached out to probably about 45 people and asked them to contribute. They were a little nervous. I had to ask a couple of times, but once they got started, people reported, even if they weren't techie, they were able to use the resources pretty easily. It was very user friendly. The book turned out beautiful. And Michael was so surprised. It turned out so nice actually that his mom and his sister want to order one as well. So it's nice that they can order one too. We would absolutely use Newlywords again if we have another event coming up and I think the people that contributed felt the same way they loved it. It was easy. It was fun. And when we actually had his retirement party, we shared the book with everybody. We showed it on video and I sent PDFs to a couple of people, his mom and his sister and his brother. Uh, so it was wonderful experience for all of us. We would definitely do it again. Thanks

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