
Carol Traegler for Customer Testimonial Videos

September 10, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Carol Traegler

What was the problem you were experiencing when you came to us?

Carol Traegler: After the pandemic, which of course brought workouts in a gym to a halt. I went through a very, uh, dark period in my life and, um, did not go to any gym, um, for several years. So when I walked through the doors of breakthrough, I was extremely unhealthy and very depressed. And, um, working out had in the past been very therapeutic for me. So, basically I was looking for a new place to exercise. Little. Did I know at that point that walking through those doors would change my life.

What have you tried in the past to solve it? Why didn’t that work?

Carol Traegler: Yeah, in the, the past, um, I tried many things, um, basically just trying to lose weight on my own. Um, you know, fad diets. I did do Weight Watchers but mostly, um, working out, um, without even considering nutrition as a component. Of course, I, I know better now. Uh, nutrition is so important. Um, it's actually 90% of the equation. Of course, I learned that as well as many other things through my experiences here at breakthrough. But, um, I didn't know any better until I came here.

What results have you had working with us?

Carol Traegler: My um actual breakthrough has been more of personal wellness and of weight loss. Uh At least at, at this point um through our weekly warrior calls, I have gained so much self-confidence, self esteem. And I realize now that I am worth it. My attitude, my mindset have totally shifted and I've noticed that I even handle stress at work and at home better, my um main goal has and always will be to be the healthiest and strongest that I can be. And I'm doing that well with the help of the semi personal training, strength training, inner circle program and the accelerated one on one nutrition program. Um So I'm not going to tell you proudly that I've lost so many pounds because that's not been my focus. Do I hope it will be a happy bonus someday? Sure. And I fully expect it to be as this is a process and I am learning to trust in the process.

What was your experience like?

Carol Traegler: My experience here has been amazing. All the coaches are personally invested in their progress. Um And even the individual members build you up, they celebrate and encourage each other. We are a fit family and we're all in this together. When I first joined, I was terrified to do any floor exercise. I was 66 years old. I'd had both knees replaced and I was afraid I'd either hurt my knees or I would not be able to get back up off the floor. But the coaches were patient with me and when I was ready to try, everyone cheered me on and encouraged me, even the coaches, um, they praised me. It was amazing.

What would you say to anyone that might be on the fence about working with us?

Carol Traegler: Um, to anyone on the fence, I might say that, um, there aren't many gyms that would give you a, a chance to try them out for a week, um, to be sure they're a good fit. Um, and there are also many financial options for you here to start small and then add, um, on later as you can afford and the science to back up their program is unquestionable. The program works if you do the work yourself and when, when you walk through the doors, you, you are welcomed with open arms, you're just loved and accepted as family, you feel it, breakthrough is a very special place. Um There's a unique sense of community here that you won't find anywhere else. I can't say enough good things about breakthrough. It's, it, it's my happy place.

Produced with Vocal Video