
Ryan for Bravo Store Systems Department Head Introductionss

June 27, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Ryan, Director of Customer Success

Please provide your name, position and how long you've been at Bravo.

Ryan: Hi, my name is Ryan Cable. I oversee support and customer service here at Bravo and I've been here for almost 10 years.

What is your department responsible for?

Ryan: In support. We take care of all of the customers needs. Once they go live, that can consist of anything from how to questions, to troubleshooting hardware support, trainings and everything else that the customer might need.

What do you like most about working at Bravo?

Ryan: What I enjoy about working at Bravo is the culture. It is very open. We do work very hard but have a good time doing it. There is opportunity for advancement, taking on new roles and learning new things.

Produced with Vocal Video