
From Struggles to Success: Dawn’s BossmakeHer Journey

September 13, 2024

In this video, Dawn opens up about how BossmakeHer helped her during a tough time in her career.

Video Transcript

Speaker: Dawn

How has BossmakeHer changed your life?

Hi, I'm Dawn. Hi, I'm Dawn. I'm here today to talk to you a little bit about how BossmakeHer has made a positive impact on my life. The first thing that I'd like to mention is the coaches and the speakers. Everyone at BossmakeHer is so wonderful and professional and helpful and supportive at a time when for me especially, it was very dark and low time for me. So to have that support and that whole process for me to go through and follow a plan, their coursework to help guide me through what my next steps, my next professional steps were going to look like was just a wonderful tool for me. I mean, it was just so awesome I mean, it was just so awesome It's not even just a wonderful tool. It just really was something that I needed. As I'm talking about the coaches and the coursework, those are two huge pieces of the program and so important and they really do take you step by step through everything you need to go through to really determine what you want, your next professional step to look like. You also get access to this wonderful professional group of women in a cohort, of people going through very similar things that you're going through, and they're there to help support and guide you as well. They're very free with their advice and their support and opportunities that come up in their spheres. They're happy to share. They're happy to share. So I really just can't say enough about what a wonderful opportunity being a part of BossmakeHer is, and you'll never regret the decision to go into this group. I look forward to seeing you hopefully on one of the meetings soon. Thanks.

Produced with Vocal Video