
Michelle's Experience with "The Meditation Challenge"

September 05, 2024

Video Transcript

Speakers: Michelle Provard, Meditation Challenge Participant

Michelle Provard: I am looking forward to any and all future programs and challenges from Boho Beautiful. Every single one seems to come at the perfect time. Juliana and Mark just seem to know exactly what we all need when we need it. And it's just a little boost of positivity in my day. So I cannot wait till the next challenge. Thank you guys.

Michelle Provard: The number one reason I would recommend the meditation challenges to a friend would be because they are just, they're easy to do. They fit into your daily. They're not overwhelmingly long. They are beautiful and they just make it seem, make meditation just seem so peaceful and calming and easy to accomplish. So I would recommend it to a friend that's either new to meditation or somebody that's fallen away from it. Because once they feel the benefits of these daily meditations, the goal would be for them to just move on and continue the meditation practice every single day.

Produced with Vocal Video