
Employee Experience Board Membership Director Andi Del Collins

April 24, 2024

As Membership Director for the Employee Experience Board, Andi Del Collins explains how she facilitates connections and conversations between senior EX leaders in a confidential space.

Video Transcript

Speakers: Andi Del Collins, Membership Director

Andi Del Collins: Hey, I'm Andi Del Collins, the Membership Director for the Employee Experience Board.

How do you serve the community in your role as Membership Director?

Andi Del Collins: As Membership Director, I help you leverage our community of employee experience practitioners to get answers to the questions and the challenges that you're facing as quickly and efficiently as possible. So you come to me, you tell me what you need, and I find the best way to engage you with the community to get answers your question. So whether that be helping to draft a question to go out for Fast Feedback, whether that be making a direct connection with another member who I know has gone through something similar, whether that be planning a community call for you, it's really my job to take the struggles that you're going through and get you answers from your fellow members.

What’s something members are surprised about after they join the community?

Andi Del Collins: I think something that new members are always really surprised about after they join the community is just how open our members are with one another. One of the great things about the Employee Experience Board, is it is a very giving and chatty group. And there is never any shortage of people willing to be open and honest and candid and vulnerable with one another. So I think that's always something that people are shocked by just how open their fellow members are. And it's always a really exciting feeling knowing like you truly can get the real, vulnerable, candid answers from one another in this group.

What do you think makes this community different from other peer groups?

Andi Del Collins: So something I think that sets the Employee Experience Board apart from other peer groups is that you're not in it alone. And so in a lot of other peer groups, you know, it's really this idea of like you're just, you're there and you use it in the way that works best for you. But you don't, there's no guarantee that you're going to get back what you're looking for. And I think having a Membership Director who can really be there to support you, and do outreach on your behalf, and connect you with the right people, and know where to go to get you the answers, really ensures that you're actually getting value out of the group. That's not always guaranteed in a peer group, right? And I think another thing is our vendor-free promise. Being vendor-free allows you to be in a place where you can really speak candidly in an unbiased way with your fellow members and get real honest feedback. So there's a lot of really great opportunities in this group that you're not going to get in others.

Produced with Vocal Video