
Renee Nelson for Blueprint Video Testimonials

December 12, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Renee Nelson, Sole practitioner

Can you describe how Blueprint has helped you? The more specific the better!

Renee Nelson: So I am new to blueprint. I did a five note trial and just recently subscribed to the 30 notes procession. So I'm very new to it, but I will say um in the honeymoon period, uh it has been really helpful and also a bit validating in terms of picking up on some of the techniques that I'm using in session. And uh the summaries in general are very useful in terms of just completing my notes, which is my least favorite part of being a therapist. Um And I do appreciate the extra suggestions around assessments or tools that can be used. And although I'm not much of a uh concrete tool therapist, I do look over some of the assessments and it does give me some great feedback in terms of if there are pieces about like grief that I might wanna look into or um different questions. So I feel like it does actually a nice job in terms of being a consultant as well as doing my notes for me, which is enough. Um I didn't notice that the uh it is actually might end up in another question. So I'll hold that. But um I feel like it is reducing my time and my just dread about doing notes uh to an amazing degree that's gonna actually help me be able to see more clients and spend more time doing what I like and, and making more money in the end um for it.

How much time have you saved on documentation as a result of Blueprint? Have you re-invested this newfound time into anything notable?

Renee Nelson: So it's an interesting question because I am try. I've just trialed it and I'm now formally using it, um, as I'm getting clients to consent to it. Um, but it saves me not just the time of doing a note, which could be depending on what the session is. Um, you know, a, a quick five minute note or a 15 minute note, um, if not longer. But it also saves me the whole part of dreading doing the note and motivating myself to get it done. So both time and stress wise it is a game changer. Um, and what I've done with the extra time, I think again is more, I do feel like I can be a little bit more present with my clients. Um, I am more present with my family because I'm not worried about doing the notes and how many I have to do. Um, and just in general, it's the holiday season. So I don't feel like I have much extra time, but I'm certainly grateful that I have that less layer of stress.

How do you describe Blueprint to clients when it comes to obtaining consent? How do clients react?

Renee Nelson: So I've had the consent conversation with a few clients. Um The way that I present it is that I initially was trialing. Um the use of A I in order to write my notes and allow me to be more present. And honestly, I've been honest with them about that's the least favorite part of my job anyway. Um And the part that I find helpful actually to integrate in that consent as I'm learning more about it is that I've been framing it for them too as the opportunity with it is that it's giving me ideas or things that I might not be thinking about on my own. So it feels a little bit like a consultation in the room at times. Um Obviously, I'm still learning about that and how helpful that will be. But um definitely there's opportunity in that. Um my clients for the most part have been very open, not really concerned about it at all. Um The ones that I've spoken to about it. Um I think uh uh there are a couple of clients that I have that have much more of like a paranoia about their information being shared and I have not actually spoken with them or approached that with them at this point because that they just might be clients that I don't use the software with. Um, I don't know if that would be as helpful for them, but, uh, for the most part, it's been pretty positive and actually, um, patients have been pretty curious how it works and what the, uh, outcome is and what the notes pick up on and, and we, we kind of joke a little bit in the session about, oh, what do you think it's gonna say about what we're talking about right now? Um, just in terms of when we're more rapport building and, and off the cuff. Um, but all in all has been a fairly positive, um, response and nobody seems to have any issues with it at this point.

Produced with Vocal Video