
Jimiko Ford for Blueprint Video Testimonials

October 01, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Jimiko Ford, Emotional Healing and Recovery, LLC

Can you describe how Blueprint's AI Notetaker has helped you? The more specific the better!

Jimiko Ford: Good afternoon. My name is Jiko and I am a mental health therapist and I recently subscribed to blueprints A I note taker. I am one of those therapists that definitely struggle with completing progress notes in a timely fashion. This has been my Achilles heel for quite some time since I've been a therapist. I mean, I literally dread doing progress notes. They take up so much time. It, it's just a thorn in your side as a therapist and to make it even worse, you cannot be compensated until you've completed your progress note. So I found myself getting compensated very late because I was very late getting my progress notes completed. Well, I saw blueprint being advertised by a colleague, another therapist on Facebook and she was raving and raving about how she is never sitting up late at night again doing progress notes. I mean, she went on and on about blueprint. So I'm like, oh, what is this about? There were plenty of comments up under her page. I looked at the comments and people were saying yes, it is the best thing ever. I am so glad I used this. I would never go without blueprint. That's all I needed to see. I googled it. I subscribed to the free trial and listen. My free trial was not even over when I subscribed to it. I'm like I have to have this. I just cannot believe how well it works. You do a session and your notes are done. I love the fact that it transcribes the session. It creates the soap note for you and it also has a summary of the note. I'm like, man, this thing is such a game changer. I am my days now, I'm completely done. I'm not worried about progress notes at the end of the day because they're done. I mean they are literally done. It's crazy. My Saturdays and Sundays, I have them back. I'm no longer sitting up doing notes on Saturday doing notes on Sunday missing out on family time because I have to work blueprint. I just want to say thank you so much for this note taker. This thing is a game changer for therapists. The progress knows they are awesome. They're even better than I can write. And I just wanna say anybody that is up in the air or on the fence about subscri subscribing to blueprint. You just don't know what you're missing. I'll advise you to get on and get your time back. Thank you. Blueprint.

How much time have you saved as a result of Blueprint's AI Notetaker? Have you re-invested this newfound time into anything notable?

Jimiko Ford: So I see the question is how much time have I saved as a result of blueprints A I note taker? Oh, my goodness. I think I mentioned how much time I've saved when I talked about how well blueprint works. I can't even tell you how much time I've saved. I know now I feel a whole lot lighter because of the time saved because I don't know if you all understand that when you in your day and you're not completely finished with your job, it lingers in your mind because you know, you have this thing that you have to finish doing and you have not finished it. So it, it, it lingers. It's almost like, yeah, you're off work, but you just have this thing in the back of your mind. Like I gotta go back and get these notes done. I have to get these notes done. When am I going to get these notes done? Well, let me tell you after my session, my notes are done. I have all of my Saturday. I have all of my Sundays. I have all of my evenings when I get off work because I am not worried about having to do notes and I'm not sitting up doing notes in my free time. I'm able to have family time. I am able to do my readings that I enjoy doing. I am able to engage in more learning because I have more time. I have more time to invest in myself. And this is awesome. And having more time means I have less stress. I don't feel as stress from having mounds and mounds of progress notes that have to be completed. I get off work. I end my day by relaxing, decompressing and just feeling great knowing that everything is done like I'm finished, I am completely finished for the day. I don't have anything lingering or I don't have anything hanging over my head knowing that I have to do it later on, later on through the week or on the weekend. Thank you blueprint for giving me my time back. I am truly grateful.

How do you describe Blueprint's AI Notetaker to clients when it comes to obtaining consent? How do clients react?

Jimiko Ford: How do I describe blueprints A I note taker to my clients when it comes to obtaining consent, I let them know that blueprint allows me to focus more on the session and on what they are saying versus me trying to remember things and write down notes in the middle of our session while they're talking. Because what I explained to them prior to blueprint, the way I would handle my sessions, I let them know I am an avid note taker. So you see me writing a lot, but I have to let them know that I'm still listening to them and once that session ends and I go back and look at my notes, things jump out to me that I may have missed. Well, I let my clients know if I'm using blueprints A I note taker. I don't have to focus on writing, writing, writing, catching everything they're saying because blueprint is catching it and I can hone in more on what they're saying. I can catch on to things that need to be addressed during our session and I am more present. Now, my clients, of course, they react the way any other client will react. They're like, oh, well, if it's gonna help you lean in more, listen more and be able to engage more with me, then, hey, of course, go for it. They don't care. They love it because I'm not constantly writing during the session. It's, it makes the session more personal because now I can engage with you. I can look at you, I can see emotions come up that I may miss. If I'm looking down at my paper writing, I can see a physical reaction when you talk about something in particular that I may miss because I'm looking down at my paper writing. So my clients, they love blueprint because I'm more engaged. And all of my clients have been very open to providing consent for me to use blueprint. So I love it and they love it. You can't beat. It is good for me as a therapist as well as the client.

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