Can you describe how Blueprint has helped you? The more specific the better!
GRACE MBUYA: I love seeing my patients. I'm invested in providing good care for them. However, sometimes during the appointment, my mind wanders in documenting and writing and making sure I'm recording everything that they say that I'm not focused on being myself or actually giving them that 2030 minutes. And what blueprint has done it has offered me that opportunity to be fully present with my patient asking the questions that I need to find out how well doing, how well they're progressing without focusing on what I need to note take to make sure I have a good quality note. So I love blueprint offers me the opportunity to be present as well as to create a note that is well um gives a good overview of what we've done and also offers me the opportunity to either fix my note, correct it, add to it um on anything that I feel. So I feel like I get it's the best of both worlds for me, my patience and overall for making sure that I'm documenting good quality work.
How much time have you saved on documentation as a result of Blueprint? Have you re-invested this newfound time into anything notable?
GRACE MBUYA: How much time I've saved on documenting? Oh, wow, it's I did. I think it's just knowing that immediately after I finish my note, after I finish my visit with my patient, I'm able to have the the summary that blueprint offers. I'm quickly able to scan through it. And um and also that's when my brain is most aware of what we just did during the visit. Um So I'm basically before my next patient, I'm able to complete something and that really captures the essence of the visit and I am just more relaxed, relaxed. I don't have to think about, you know, my notes, I can be able to invest more time in reaching out to other providers engaging, doing the extra work behind um the visit and I really feel freed. I'm a different person. I'm less stressed and I really haven't been using the blueprint for a long time. So I am super excited about this and I'm really happy that I have, I have blueprint.
How do you describe Blueprint to clients when it comes to obtaining consent? How do clients react?
GRACE MBUYA: I already have an electronic health record which we use for telehealth and which we also use for documentation as a group as a clinic. So all we have described to our patients, I used drug and before all we describe to our patients is this is a uh we use the consent to explain to them that we will be using the A I to help us in terms of capturing the essence of the visit and that it will be immediately deleted after the appointment. Um So it's, you know, I think a lot of people that I see maybe it's a clan population, they're quite aware of the benefits of um of documentation of the internet um of even social media and, and how it has helped them. So I think it's been easier for me to, to explain to my patients because they are already using our electronic health record platform to communicate, to engage with us. Um But definitely um it is something that one has to be honest about and discuss it with the patient.