
Felisa Dunlap, MS., LMFT for Blueprint Video Testimonials

November 18, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Felisa Dunlap, MS., LMFT, Orenda Therapeutic Services, PLLC

Can you describe how Blueprint's AI Notetaker has helped you? The more specific the better!

Felisa Dunlap, MS., LMFT: So blueprints A I note taker has just been a lifesaver for me. Um I struggle with the um note taking portion of my clinical duties. I had tried to remedy this. Um by collaboratively note taking with my clients, I do find that that is helpful. Um The clients seem to enjoy that, but I did find that I still wasn't as present or relaxed in the session as I'd like to be because somewhere in the back of my mind, I'm still thinking about what I need to know and what I need to remember. And now I feel like I have this support behind me that catches those things um that I can go back and look if I need to. Um I still collaborate, not take with the client, but I just don't have that same level of pressure and I'm able to be present and then the notes that are generated um really help to fine tune what I want to say. Um So it's just been a real blessing for me.

How much time have you saved as a result of Blueprint's AI Notetaker? Have you re-invested this newfound time into anything notable?

Felisa Dunlap, MS., LMFT: I think the blueprint A I note taker has saved me a lot of time. I'm able to be more relaxed. I'm able to find 10 notes without pressure. Um that in itself just taking off that extra um pressure really gives me a lot of time and I'm able to walk away from sessions, feeling comfortable and confident than leaving those things behind. And then I can come back and invest that time into having a few more clients.

How do you describe Blueprint's AI Notetaker to clients when it comes to obtaining consent? How do clients react?

Felisa Dunlap, MS., LMFT: Well, as far as how I explain, uh, blueprints A, I not take her to my clients. Of course, I have the informed consent for it, but we go over that in the first session, I explained to them that the compliance of it that hi, a compliant that the, how the software, um, protects their information and then just, um, deletes the information, how I'm reviewing it. Um, and then how it can't be, you know, it's not being used to harm them. I explain that why it's a benefit to them and to, to the sessions and to, uh my ability to be present in the session. Um, additionally, I ask every, I let them know that every session I'll ask permission before I turn it on and we can always not do it that session if they don't like want it. Um, the clients have been receptive to this. Um, they understand they have questions that get answered and if they don't want it, we just don't do it, but I haven't had any problems with it at all.

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