
Blueprint Video Testimonials

May 23, 2024

Video Transcript

Can you describe how Blueprint has had an impact on your life as a therapist?

I um love my job as a therapist. And the one thing that has been my biggest struggle and challenge um is doing notes and it creates a lot of stress and anxiety for me in my life and takes a lot of time away from my self care, my family and outside of my work hours and it's obviously time we don't get paid for and I struggle to do it in between sessions and I go back to back. So Blueprint for me has been amazing and life changing for me and my career and I can focus on and enjoy my clients and what I'm truly, really, really good at. And it has released so much stress and anxiety from my work life and I have just a lot better balance. My notes are better. Um I'm not just rushing through or stressing and it's helping provide better client care as well. So I'm a huge fan. I love Blueprint. I recommend it to everyone who struggles with notes and doesn't enjoy that.

Produced with Vocal Video