Speaker: Atchafala Tucker, MA, Clinician, Actualized Holistic Wellness, LLC
Can you share a story about a time that Blueprint helped you and/or one of your clients?
Atchafala Tucker, MA: Blueprint has helped me with my clients in that a lot of my clients use the journaling function and in some of their journals, I can pick a couple of things that they talked about and include it in the next session with them also. Since we both can see the graph of their assessment results, sometimes we talk about that in session to gauge progress or to gauge what we could do differently and that has been very, very helpful. I find that when my clients can actually see their progress or how they were doing like a month ago as compared to now, it helps them figure out where they need to catch their thought at. So that helps a lot.
How would you describe Blueprint to a clinical peer?
Atchafala Tucker, MA: I would say blueprint is a great tool to use. And let's go of course assessments, but let's go to the notes for next session option. So the notes for next session option has been really, really good because I find that even if clients don't disclose or share with you, some things that um they need to talk about in the back of their head, they do share it in notes from next session. The journal also has been really, really well received. And a lot of the material that I use to assist my clients come from their journals. So I would really, really, really, really promote and encourage clients to use their journal function as well as assessments. But I find that the journal option, I mean a lot comes out in there and I like watching for that so I can help my client to the best of my ability.