
Blue acorn PPP Review - Victor D's Testimonial

April 15, 2021

Victor D's Testimonial / Blue acorn ppp review.

Video Transcript

Speaker: Victor D, Business Owner

Victor D: You know, Blueacorn actually made this a really easy process. Their online was very simple to use, very straightforward. Overall, I've got to say I'm very satisfied. It was quick. I received my money exactly as they said I would. All the expectations were met, and the communication was very good, from their side and so I'm very happy with the process. Honestly, I can recommend them. If you're a business owner, I would give them a try.

Would you recommend Blueacorn to a friend?

Victor D: I would have no issues giving a recommendation for Blueacorn. In fact, I have referred them to some of the associates that I interact with in my business and advise them to go ahead and try the process because it worked so well.

Produced with Vocal Video