
Eric Waguespack for Flock Talk: Meet the Team

August 14, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Eric Waguespack, Enterprise Customer Success Manager

What is your name and position at Birdeye, and how long have you been a part of the nest?

Eric Waguespack: Hi my name is Eric Waguespack. I am a customer success manager on the Enterprise team and I've been a part of the nest for just under a year and a half.

What is your favorite part of your role at Birdeye?

Eric Waguespack: My favorite part of my role here at Birdeye is getting to help customers solve complicated challenges creatively. Our tool is very well designed and there's a lot of ways we can customize it and help customers solve problems and getting to talk through that with them. Come up with creative solutions that work well for their specific instances is the most fun, especially when it yields a lot of results for them that they're really excited about.

What do you enjoy most about working at Birdeye?

Eric Waguespack: What I enjoy most about working at Birdeye is working with all of my amazing teammates. They're all really smart, dedicated people who all want to help each other and we're all working really hard to achieve the same goal of happy successful customers. We're all helping each other figure things out or solve problems together or share past experiences. I'm really grateful for my teammates and, and their desire to achieve the same things for all of our customers.

What excites you the most about the future of Birdeye?

Eric Waguespack: The thing that excites me the most about the future Birdeye is the constantly growing and evolving product. A lot of companies will say this is coming or this new features, you know, gonna be here soon. But Birdeye has been delivering since I've been on board with new exciting you know, actual difference making feature or products that are making our customers really excited. They're coming to us and saying, wow, this is what I was looking for. I can see how I can start changing and, and the ways that I'm looking at data or, or, you know, making decisions around marketing using this new feature of product. So it's clear that they're building products that our customers want and find a lot of value in. There's just so much open to that future of Birdeye with where we've got to grow with the product and continue to deliver new and interesting ways to help our customers.

Produced with Vocal Video