
Cory Werkheiser for Big Interview

June 28, 2022

Video Transcript

Speaker: Cory Werkheiser, Associate Dir., Experiential Learning and Career Development, College of Charleston

How has Big Interview helped your users or organization?

Cory Werkheiser: tell me if this has ever happened to you, I have an interview tomorrow and I don't know what to do, what am I supposed to do in the first few months of my new job? How do I negotiate salary for a new role? How can I assess the interview skills of my students in my class? The answer to all four of those is big interview. And here at the college of charleston, we've used big interview to help in all of those situations and more students need help with negotiation. Hey, that's not easy. But There's some great modules and learning experiences including a big interview about that very thing. Same thing with the 1st 90 days of your new role and interview preparation, especially in emergency situations. I mean I am one advisor for 2000 students. Sometimes it's just not possible to schedule a mock interview before the event. But sending out big interview and giving a student a chance to practice with artificial intelligence, evaluating their skills means I don't have to feel like I've failed in my role and it means they still get some great opportunities to practice and be better at interviewing big interview. You're looking for a solution. Something to help you make things easier in your role, advising for career opportunities. Look no further than this awesome platform. And by the way, big interview is one of the very few platforms I've ever worked with in years of education that improves every single year while the price stays mostly the same and always very fairly priced. You can't lose

Produced with Vocal Video