
Christopher Hudson for Bchex Client Video Testimonials

June 24, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Christopher Hudson, CEO, HR Agent

How has working with Bchex impacted your hiring processes and overall HR operations?

Christopher Hudson: Working with Bchex is like having a partner with a specific set of skills. No seriously, in hr a huge amount of effort is placed in finding the perfect fit for our clients who assign us with talent acquisition duties. Of course, what we are considering is largely information that gives us a look at a candidate's career and professional standards. Now, we accumulate this through what we believe to be reputable channels. Bchex serves as a means by which we have the same or a higher level glimpse into a candidate's personal standards. This is a tremendously valuable resource.

What distinguishes Bchex from other background check providers you've used in the past? What do you appreciate most about their services?

Christopher Hudson: The primary difference between um Bchex and some of its competitors. It really comes down to the quality of the report. The reports were thorough and well presented. And to us this gives us confidence to know that we have this base covered when we're advising our clients.

Can you share an example of a time when Bchex's services provided valuable insight that helped you make a more informed?

Christopher Hudson: There have been a large number of instances where Bchex offered us background data that was not shared by candidates or even in some cases denied by candidates, but was of course proven to be valid when we ask Bchex for further detail. Um So again, this is perhaps the most valuable thing uh that we gain from our relationship with Bchex.

How would you rate the accuracy, turnaround time, and customer service provided by Bchex?

Christopher Hudson: As I've mentioned, the accuracy of Bchex's reports is perhaps the most attractive attribute of what they offer. You need to know that if the report says there's nothing there, there likely really is nothing there. And with other services, this has not always been the case in our experience.

Would you recommend Bchex's background screening solutions to other HR professionals or companies? If so, why?

Christopher Hudson: Essentially, every time we vet candidates for our clients, we are very transparent about using Bchex and how much we rely on them to provide important components of our vetting procedure. We essentially endorse them in that way. Every time we move a client's candidate through our vetting process.

Produced with Vocal Video