
I Could Afford to Take Extended Family

March 07, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Jalisa Corde

Jalisa Corde : Hey, good morning. Uh, my name is Julia and just wanted to quickly tell you about a time where we were able to use the free bowling program. It was very memorable. So we use it often. But last summer, my dad had just, um, had surgery in a couple of months before July. His birthday is in July and we, he wanted to go bowling. My oldest daughter wanted to take him bowling. So we, uh, were able to go to the bowling alley and splurge in other areas like the arcade and, you know, get some extra food simply because the girls were free. So I was able to bless everyone. Um, and we were able to have a really good time celebrating his birthday, especially after, you know, him going through everything he was going through. But, uh, I really love the be for free program. We participate every year. I'll be sad when they age out of it. But, um, it has just been a blessing. And so even if, you know, there's a week where I'm low on cash or anything like that or something comes up, you know, we're still able to get out and have that family time because of this program. So it has been a huge blessing. And so um we love bowling, so we love to celebrate birthdays at the bowling alley. So, anyways, um thanks for listening, talk soon.

Produced with Vocal Video