
Ellee Harp for Share Your Kids Bowl Free Story With Us!

September 24, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Ellee Harp

Ellee Harp: Hi. I wanted to come on and let you know what, um, the free bowling in the summer means to myself and my boys. It's something that we look forward to each summer. Um, we love to do it when there's nothing else to do at home. We need to get out of the house. We need to get a change of scenery and so it's fun to go and we will a lot of times meet up with other families that we know that have signed up for the program and we get together, hang out at the bowling alley. Um, and it's perfect on rainy days and hot days and, um, it's just something I tell a lot of people about to look for, um, the free bowling program at their local bowling alley. And, um, I've had lots of, uh, friends say that it's a great idea and I love the program.

Produced with Vocal Video