
Brittany hedin for Share Your Kids Bowl Free Story With Us!

September 12, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Brittany hedin

Brittany hedin: But my name is Britney. We just recently went bowling. Not too long ago, my son Grayson is six and he loves it. Just seeing how excited that he gets when he rolls that ball and hits those pins. It just warms my heart. It is so much fun. We have a blast. We always do like little races and see who can win. Grayson usually gets the bumpers, but sometimes he hates the bumpers. He will still try his best and he just, he loves it and there's so many things to do. You know, you have the arcade, you have air hockey, you have plenty of food and you have the desserts and everything and he, he just loves to go and we just recently did a family outing there and it was a blast. We had the best time ever. Um I took a couple of videos of him because he was so excited and he kept getting a split. So he would like, he'd jump over it down. He's like, oh my goodness, I got to split again. Um I don't know. It just, I love seeing him excited and I love seeing him have fun. Um, it's the best thing ever.

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