
Nancy knox for Bath Fitter Video Testimonials

April 25, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Nancy knox

Can you describe the reason why you wanted to remodel your Bath?

Nancy knox: We decided to redo our bathroom because it was a mobile home that was manufactured in 1979. As you can imagine, the bathtub and the tubs around were pretty ugly. So we looked at alternative ways to improve it. We thought maybe we would put in a shower. We thought maybe we would um maybe just put it in tubs around and leave the bathtub the way it is. But all in all we'd heard such good things about bath fitter and we've seen lots of good advertisements for bath fitter. We decided to give them a chance.

What made you choose Bath Fitter?

Nancy knox: We chose Bath Fitter because we saw many advertisements on the TV, about bath fitter. We actually had some Canadian friends who have had this service done to their bathtub in Canada. So now that we are in Zephyr Hills, Florida, we thought we would contact Bath Fitter in Clearwater.

What would you tell someone who is considering Bath Fitter?

Nancy knox: Anyone who is considering using bath fitter. I would tell them they are experts in their field. They are very reasonably priced. They are a good North American company and they do really good work and they are done in a day.

Produced with Vocal Video