
Jada Duncan for Baby Bundles Testimonials

July 22, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Jada D., Mecklenburg County & Atrium Health

Please tell us your name.

Jada D.: Hi you guys. My name is Jada D.

Tell us about what the Baby Bundle meant to you and how it has helped you?

Jada D.: The Baby Bundle actually meant a lot to me. I was looking at the program, and the opportunity a couple of weeks ago and I actually called and she was like, "Well, you have to get it through your doctor." It was a community based thing. And then, it just so happened, my social worker for my doctor's office ended up giving me one and it had lots of clothes in it. It had books. It had socks, baby hats. It was actually a big blessing.

How did receiving this bundle make you feel?

Jada D.: Receiving this bundle made me feel really good . I have very good doctors and the social worker, called me and told me that she was gonna come visit me at one of my appointments which I actually forgot about! She ended up showing up, and it was Miss Karen. So just receiving that made me just, you know, just reassure me that, you know, people actually still care.

Jada D.: Yes, it made me feel really good knowing that my case worker and my doctors and my whole team, just a lot of the care that I'm getting through Atrium. {They} actually still care and not just care about just getting you in the appointment, in and out. They're actually like listening to me and my concerns that I have for me and my baby. So that bundle really helped.

Is there anything else about you or your family that you'd like to share with us?

Jada D.: Just one last thing, you guys are doing a very good job and something that's really helping the community because everybody cannot afford the things that you guys actually have in the bundle bag, which is very, very, very good items. I was honestly surprised at how much stuff was in the bag. But like I said, it's just, I'm very grateful. Me and my family are grateful for the things that Atrium has done with the Baby Bundles. Thanks!

Produced with Vocal Video