
Susan Brown's Awakened Academy Experience

March 18, 2024

Sue Brown talks to us about how taking the Awakened Academy Spiritual Life Coaching Certification program helped to skyrocket her confidence and change her life, and how excited she is to help others!

Video Transcript

Speaker: Susan Brown

Can you please introduce yourself and why you wanted to be a spiritual life coach or help others?

Susan Brown: Hello. My name is Susan Brown. I've been with the Awakened Academy for around three years completing the course. I really wanted to make a difference and really help people by being a spiritual life coach to help people connect to their spiritual selves, to empower them, to find the answers within themselves, to change their own lives and make a true difference to them. I find this work so rewarding and exciting knowing that my own life has changed and being able to help others to change their own lives is there's no other words for it. It's so exciting and empowering for me to do this work.

What led you to specifically choose our spiritual life coaching certification program?

Susan Brown: What specifically led me to the Awakened Academy spiritual Life certification course was I was already on a personal spiritual journey anyway. And I just felt that that was the path for me to take. And at that time, I felt so aligned with the awakened Academy and their values and the course specifications, it all just aligned to me and core to me. And it just felt so right for me to go with them. It was absolutely the right decision for me. I learned so much. I gained so much. I moved so far in my life. I've changed my life so much and I'm so grateful that I had the opportunity to take these steps and move forward. And now I'm able to help people through this certification. And that is the most wonderful magical experience.

Can you share a key insight(s) or the most valuable thing(s) you learned through our program?

Susan Brown: What I learned through the Awakened Academy Certification Program was life changing. Completely, life changing. Before I started the course, I've been doing a little bit of personal development. I was the shy, quietest, lack complete confidence in myself, belief in myself. I hated myself. I did not love myself at all before I started the course and through the whole process of the course, it really teaches you to dig into yourself and really deal with a lot of issues, things that are holding you back, you do. What I found helpful for myself was that I had to really deal with myself and deal with my own issues and my own personal past and through doing that, really clearing the way for me to move forward in my own life, grow more confident, love myself, believe in myself, feel good about the work I wanted to do and where I wanted to get to, to feel worthy to have absolute conviction and faith in myself that I could do this, that I could really make a difference and doing the course and really um understanding who I really was, was so life changing. It. Really was and it's made such a difference to my life. I live in a beautiful place. I, I've really worked on my relationships. Me and my husband are closer than ever. We speak from the heart. We, we have a deep relationship. I have wonderful friends. I have a wonderful environment that I'm surrounded by. I have a spiritual life. I meditate daily. I'm connected to source the universe. I have so many wonderful experiences that I would never have known about or discovered without completing this amazing course. And I'm so grateful to have been part of.

How has achieving certification as a spiritual life coach impacted your life or career? How is your life better now?

Susan Brown: Achieving the Awakened Academy spiritual life certification has been extraordinary. My confidence has gone through the roof. I feel excited and ready and raring to go to meet so many extraordinarily wonderful people. This is an extraordinary journey and I feel like I'm just beginning, I'm excited for all the wonderful people that I'm going to be able to impact and really help find answers within themselves to change their lives. There's nothing more you could ask for, in my opinion. And I'm so excited and I feel I can give so much value. I can really help people see their own self worth, their own way of moving forward in their own lives. And that's what's so exciting. I feel like I'm, I'm just starting again. I'm starting a new and it feels exciting. I feel empowered. I feel I have so much to give. And when I was doing the practicing, I met so many wonderful people and I felt so much like this is what I was born to do and I'm ready.

What would you say to someone considering joining the Awakened Academy Certification program?

Susan Brown: What I would say to anyone considering joining the Awakened Academy Certification program is go for it. Just go for it. You're gonna love it. It's wonderful. It's incredible. It's life changing. You'll never look back. You'll be so glad you took that step forward.

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