What made you choose Atadex as your EDI provider?
Good afternoon. My name is Bill Grojean. I'm the owner of Riverside Transport Trucking company based in Kansas City, Kansas. And I just want to give a quick atta boy to a A de They are our current Ed I provider. Uh We were having lots of trouble with those in the past that we could afford and we were also currently with one that we could no longer afford. We have one account, our largest do over 35,000 loads a year and our on time performance and we've been carried a year a number of times for this customer, but our time on time performance is directly also related to our Ed I compliance and the accuracy of it. So we had a mission critical transition from whatever the the existing provider to add a deck and it went off flawlessly. We were nervous, we were, you know, crossing our fingers. It was a scary time for us, but we, we knew we were in good hands, very deliberate, very methodical, very accurate, very, the whole experience was outstanding. I recommend it to everyone. And as a gift to all my competitors, you would be foolish, not to be pursuing uh them, it saved us a boatload of money and it will save you a boatload of money, allow you to sleep at night and the accuracy is perfect. Have a great day.