
Mike for APFA Flight Attendant Video Testimonials

December 05, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Mike, Dallas Fort Worth 9 Years

Describe how 5 years without a raise or improvements in our contract have affected you personally.

Mike: My name is Mike. I'm based in DFW and I've been flying almost nine years. Now the last few years have been especially tough as we have been without a contract or a pay raise. Working without a contract or a pay raise has had a significant impact not only on my finances but on my mental health as well. I am constantly stressed worrying. I am overwhelmed just between my car payment, car insurance, student loans and my rent. Just those things alone cost me more than 50% of my pay of what I bring home from American Airlines and I am a high time flyer. Not to mention the cost of feeding ourselves on these layovers which gotten really expensive. Flight attends are gone sometimes 2, 3, 4 days at a time. It's tough. Most flight attendants right now are one emergency away from losing it all. They are one emergency away from giving up. It's time to do the right thing. It's time to give us the contract that we have earned the contract that we deserve. It is time to take care of those who have been taking care of this airline.

Produced with Vocal Video