
Leroy for APFA Flight Attendant Video Testimonials

December 13, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Leroy , Chicago 8 Years

Describe how 5 (five) years without a raise or improvements in our contract have affected you personally.

Leroy : Not having a pay raise within the last five years has been such a struggle. I was west coast base and now I'm based in the Midwest. And the cost of living for me has rised. I came from San Francisco and I was paying much less there during the pandemic than what I'm paying. Now. Currently in, in Chicago, I had access to free citrus and free fruit. Now I have to pay for that in Chicago as it's being imported from other places and the cost of it, it's not fair. Plus on top of it with medication and other just basic necessities. I need to live. I'm struggling. I have to dip into my savings. It's not fair that I have to dip into my life savings to just survive. I need a pay raise. I need a cost of living wage and just because of this corporate greed, it's not helping us.

Produced with Vocal Video