
Kelsey for APFA Flight Attendant Video Testimonials

January 02, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Kelsey, Chicago 9 Years

Describe how 5 (five) years without a raise or improvements in our contract have affected you personally.

Kelsey: Hi, I'm Kelsey and I'm a Chicago based flight attendant who's been flying for American Airlines for over nine years back when we were a company that we could be proud of going for over five years without a contract and a raise. It's unacceptable to see my colleagues struggle and worry about bills for them to be excited for a leftover first class meal. So they can have something to eat today. It's really bad. Ah, there's not enough words for it. So, until management meets us in the middle so we can actually come to an agreement, we'll be ready for a strike. We are ready.

Produced with Vocal Video