
Mitchell York for AssistPro® Testimonials

August 29, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Mitchell York, Certified EOS Implementer®, EOS® Worldwide

What challenges were you experiencing that made you choose AssistPro?

Mitchell York: I reached a certain point in my EOS® practice where I had so many things going on logistically that I was starting to just lose capacity to manage all of the details and everything from checking in with clients to reserving session rooms, to invoicing and many other things. And when I got to that point, I realized I need some support to help figure that out.

How has your assistant helped alleviate your pain points?

Mitchell York: My assistant Lauren, who is amazing, Lauren. If you're watching, you're amazing. Helped me by taking over many of the things that are critical to the business that I did not absolutely have to do most prominently managing my calendar, working with my clients to send them updates to see if they need anything, just check in emails, doing database work, creating lists which is not my forte, nor do I enjoy doing certain tasks like that. And enabling me to, as we like to say, Delegate and Elevate™ to my Unique Ability® or one of one of the things that I should be focused on, which is developing my business and being in a good mental frame of mind to do great EOS sessions with my clients.

What do you believe makes AssistPro different?

Mitchell York: I think AssistPro® is pretty differentiated in terms of getting assistants. I know there are lots of companies that do this and there are, you can get an assistant on your own. What I found really useful was that their process was, was very straightforward but very precise. So they interviewed me, they gave me kind of a personality test if you will or assessment. They had me interview a couple of people that they thought might match up well with me, I think it was two, it was two and the one I was able to choose who wanted to work with me also, which was good. We did and then even after we started working together, the pro stays in the process, they checked in periodically. We have check in calls once in a while. I know they're there if I need anything. Although they did such a good job matching with my, matching me with my assistant that there isn't a lot that I need them for on a daily basis, but it's nice to know that they're there. And now I have a much more smoothly running business.

Produced with Vocal Video