They helped me scale my business as far as advice, you know, advice and assistance. You know, I'm pretty hands on with all my investments. But ABL has scaled it to, you know, a certain point of being a partner and family instead of being, you know, just a quiet investor. You know, they're more like family and and that makes a big difference, you know, it makes you relaxed and comfortable when you're investing your life savings into these deals. I'll recommend ABL to my mom. ABL is the best, man. You know, like I said, we're family here. You know, I call, I get upset with them, they get upset with me, we call back, we apologize and we keep it moving. I mean, you know you're you're dealing with a lot of different personalities and a lot of money, you know. And they make me feel comfortable like I'm on my couch with my slippers on, you know what I mean? And it's it's amazing. I will invest all my money and assets into ABL as partners man, and anybody that wants to get into this business, you go with ABL. They're the best.