
AskNicely Customer Impact Story: Rachael Molino at Office Pride

June 14, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Rachael Molino, Supervisor, Office Pride of San Antonio-Helotes

Please introduce yourself and tell us a little about your company and your role there.

Rachael Molino: Hi, my name is Rachel Molino. I am a supervisor with Office Pride. San Antonio. Helotes My boss Damaris added me to our AskNicely account a little while back. So I was able to see what our score was when these surveys were being sent out to all of our customers. It's a pretty cool tool to be able to see what our customers are thinking and why they're giving us the ratings that they're giving us. I really like to see their comments as to why they're rating us, whether it's our, accountability or, you know, our eye for detail. But it's also nice just to see that they've rated us high overall, even without the comments. I've worked for Office Pride for about 2.5 years and all of our customers are great and I believe they all rate us pretty highly for everything that we do. Of course, we have some hiccups, but thankfully we're able to always fix them and, you know, go with their feedback to find out what they're exactly looking for. So that's where I think the AskNicely kind of fits in nice because when they do answer the surveys, it shows us what we need to work on or where we're shining and obviously we're always here to give the ultimate customer experience. So I believe AskNicely is a great tool for that.

What were some of the challenges or pain points your business faced before implementing AskNicely?

Rachael Molino: Some of the challenges we had before using AskNicely was we wouldn't usually hear from our customers unless there was something wrong. So, it's kind of nice to see just overall how we're doing, without having them to, you know, having to bug them and ask them all the time. They're sent this, you know, short little survey and they were able to answer it. So we're able to fix any issues and respond to them in a timely manner. Without it, we have to just kind of assume we're doing ok unless we hear otherwise. And it's, it's always nice to know that we are doing ok without, you know, having to bother them and ask them how we're doing all the time.

What specific features of AskNicely have you found especially beneficial?

Rachael Molino: I think the things that I find most helpful about the Ask Nicely app is the fact that it sends me an email or a little thing that pops up to tell me that we have, you know, a new rating or a new customer response. It's kind of nice to see in real time that, you know, somebody five hours ago gave us 100% and, you know, they're reasoning on it.

What has been the most significant impact of using AskNicely, including any metrics that come to mind?

Rachael Molino: I think the most significant impact that we've had with AskNicely is the fact that it tells us in just about real time how we're doing. And, you know, if we have a review, thankfully, we have not had one, a review that, you know, is less than stellar. We can immediately respond to our customers feedback and find out what went wrong or what we didn't do or what we missed and not just continue on status quo and assume everything is just ok.

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