
AskNicely Customer Impact Story: Jonathan Schultz at DriveCentric

July 16, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Jonathan Schultz, DriveCentric

Please introduce yourself and tell us a little about your company and your role there.

Jonathan Schultz: I'm Jonathan Schultz. I work at DriveCentric and I head up the design team.

What were some of the challenges or pain points your business faced before implementing AskNicely?

Jonathan Schultz: I started at the company kind of it during its infancy when we were first getting going and a lot of our pain points was just getting feedback, but honest feedback from our user base. And it was it was quite a challenge to do that and to know the collective sentiment of our users.

What specific features of AskNicely have you found especially beneficial?

Jonathan Schultz: What we like most and used most of AskNicely is the randomized surveys of NPS, of course. But combining that with Slack and Intercom allows us to receive the most benefit. Keeps everyone on the same page with Slack notifications of new responses coming in and then we address those with Intercom conversations. It's quite a nice feedback loop.

What has been the most significant impact of using AskNicely, including any metrics that come to mind?

Jonathan Schultz: The most significant impact is just uncovering those key pain points that might affect one user that affects many, many more and we're able to address them right away once the that negative survey comes in, it also is just nice just to gauge our overall sentiment. If we need to bear down and kind of uncover a specific segment of users, then we pick up the phone kind of find out what's wrong, try to recreate any issues. That is also great to uncover those promoters and highlight them whether it's a website review or a phone call or testimonial having a nice group to filter out and reach out to is has been very nice.

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