Speaker: Arsenio Dondoyano, Technical Support Analyst, Brightly
Please introduce yourself and tell us a little about your company and your role there.
Arsenio Dondoyano: Hi, my name is Arsenio Dondoyano and I work with Brightly as a technical support analyst. Brightly is an Auckland based IT company helping businesses with their systems with our to our client. So we help from security network and any other migration to the, to the cloud solutions and so forth. So, as a technical support analyst or my day to day job as a primary support, I handle all the support from one of one of our biggest clients, which is the Cooper and Company that includes Britomart, the Hotel Britomart Car Park operations and the Landing. We have a lot of clients that we handle. So some of my colleagues also handle those clients.
What were some of the challenges or pain points your business faced before implementing AskNicely?
Arsenio Dondoyano: Before implementing a feedback form, we usually struggle. The business actually often face several challenges. So it is very difficult for us to understand the customer needs. So sometimes this lack of insight can lead to like missed opportunities for improvement. So sometimes they will give feedback to through a colleague uh and the person will inform us. So it's a bit messy and difficult to identify and address if it's a negative feedback or how can we help them? How can we improve ourselves? We don't have any forms feedback since before starting or joining AskNicely. So, since we joined AskNicely, we have, we became more proactive, I would say very proactive about helping our clients because we want to have a high rating and positive feedback, you know, if the clients will give us a good or positive feedback, it really impacts us. And I'm always happy to give my best and support now and to my clients to get more positive results. So, I think AskNicely really helped me and help my team.
What specific features of AskNicely have you found especially beneficial?
Arsenio Dondoyano: I think that the AI or the automated survey, for me, it really looks so professional. It is really amazing. The reporting tools, the dashboard really helps us to gain insight into our customers needs or their feedback. And also, of course, the integration with Salesforce, it's perfect. It's so easy for us to like get the ticket and you know, see the, the response to the feedback. And also all feedback are in one place which is like really easier for us to identify improvement areas. And I'm sure there's plenty more features that we can explore.
What has been the most significant impact of using AskNicely, including any metrics that come to mind?
Arsenio Dondoyano: The impact of using AskNicely for, for us as a Brightly team. For us, if you get a higher feedback or higher satisfaction to our customers, we are more likely that our customers will refer us as the business. So we'll gain more customers actually the word of mouth. So I think that getting all the information, all the feedback trying to improve ourselves. Even if you get higher rating, you know, there's always a room for improvement. So getting more improvements and identify any negative, negative feedback, then it will really help our team to understand our customers and that's the time where customers will more likely to refer us and our service and other stuff. So, one thing also is that the integration capabilities and the automation features is that it really reduced the manual effort. So my team like if they, if they collect all the information now, it's just like it's just in one platform and we can analyze the feedback at the same time, which is like easier for us and my team, we don't need to spend so much time. And also, yeah, we we can personalize the surveys and I think for me is that the automation that, that would be the best.