Strictly speaking, oxidative stress is any sort of process that stresses our cells, things like lack of sleep, exposures to toxic chemicals, eating, you know, high sugar and starch foods. when we're not moving our body, getting enough exercise, emotional stress, physical stress can cause oxidative stress.
Now, realistically speaking, oxidative stress is life. That's part of life. When you go walk out the door or you clap your hands, you're damaging cells. Certainly, if you get heavy duty exercise, you're breaking down some cells is a natural process to regrow cells. So there's, you know, what we could call use stress the healthy stress and then extreme stresses like somebody who's in a, you know, toxic situation in their life and they're producing a lot of these negative damaging molecules. So there's a lot of things we can do these mechanisms within the cell, trigger balance. They trigger the oxidative molecules, trigger us to produce molecules to balance that out. And those are things like glutathione, our master on oxidants. And this is a natural balance within our cells. We can enhance that by getting enough sleep by fasting
for something like 16 - 18 hours a day. and exercise, heavy duty exercise particularly causes us to deplete our carbohydrates and go into fatty acid metabolism. And there's a lot of things we can do that enhance that, but a really great one for the first time ever, we can use these redox signaling molecules to create that balance within ourselves and therefore to create health.