
Dr. Kaufman

May 04, 2024

Video Transcript

Speakers: Dr. Aaron Kaufman

Dr. Aaron Kaufman: Redox molecules. And it turns out that these redox molecules are foundational to life. So you don't hear this recording. You don't think of thought, you don't grow hair, you don't digest food, you don't take a breath, your heart doesn't beat, that's not signaled or turned on and turned off by these redox signaling molecules. And it's interesting that when we're little children, we have tons of these,

Dr. Aaron Kaufman: and starting at puberty, we make

Dr. Aaron Kaufman: less every year. So a real important thought aging is a deficiency of these redox signaling molecules. The ASEA Corporation in Pleasant Grove, Utah has figured out how to produce the same exact redox cell signaling molecules that you and I are producing right now in every cell in our body that allow us to live, to function.

Dr. Aaron Kaufman: So that now when we're sick or like me, aging or an athlete who needs, you know, extra boost or somebody who's sick or just didn't get enough sleep last night for the first time ever, we can now replenish those and the things we see are just remarkable.

Produced with Vocal Video