
REDOXRadiance / Nina B

January 24, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Nina Bernhart (Frey)

Nina Bernhart (Frey): Hi, I've never had any issues with my hair. Like I have this natural curls. and I never had to do much with them. Like I could just leave them dry by themselves. I didn't have to, use a hair dryer or any kind of whatever you put in your hair. But since my hair is getting gray here, you can see it here. it started to become very stiff so it was stiff, the curls went away. They were just like straight or sometimes doing some strange lines. yeah, and I've been using the REDOXRadiance for, some, like two weeks now since it came on the market or a little bit later came on the market in Germany. yeah, and you can see my hair. It's much better. I mean, I've just been to the hairdresser so it's also a little bit bit more but the curls came out straight away. It was, it, like after 2, 3, 4 days. and it became more, it just softer, more, it looks richer. It's more natural, like, natural, like I knew it.

Produced with Vocal Video