
Kathy Marie Howell for ASEA Business opportunity

April 26, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Kathy Marie Howell

Kathy Marie Howell: Hi, I'm Kathy Murray from Kentucky. And I'm wanting to share my ASEA business opportunity, testimonial. And so, I got involved in 2010. I had a friend, share it with me, my family and I had health conditions and were really looking for a solution. I had never done network marketing before, but knew that I loved the fact that it was native to the body and that it was a new breakthrough in health science. And so I just started using the products. I wasn't quite sure what that would look like, but I knew that having children different ages. My oldest one had child support and he was approaching the age of 18. And so, like I said, just started using the product, started sharing them. Kind of the same thing wasn't, you know, didn't know what it would do for you, but with the safety studies knowing that it could benefit you, that I started sharing it with a lot of people. And so very quickly started getting thank you checks. And by the time that my son aged into the 18 child support stopped. I had replaced that child support payment that he received every month and did that with the business. And so to me, it was really exciting, had not ever done that getting before, but actually, was able just to replace that one income just by simply sharing something that saying, you know, I don't know what I'll do for you because it is native to the body but, that it will benefit you in some way. So I've come a long way since 2010, we have some amazing products and I am more confident now than ever that anyone can do this business as long as they are ready to share from the heart and just let someone have their experience. So I hope that helps take care. See you later.

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