

January 23, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Brenden Gajdos

Brenden Gajdos: Everyone. I just want to share my experience with RedoxEnergy This stuff has been great, especially for training for marathons as I've ran three and I'm running four this year, hopefully qualifying for Boston this time. And honestly, this has been a game changer 15 minutes before my run, put in a bottle like this with some water and just feel the good clean energy. Unlike other supplements, I felt like this has no crash and it just has a gradual ease into that energy without the jitters, without that weird itchy feeling, right. This stuff has been a game changer.

Brenden Gajdos: And then I carry a pouch of ASEA Redox supplement along with my run and that just continual, that support I need, which has been great. So hope for qualifying for Boston this year. I know that RedoxEnergy will take me there.

Produced with Vocal Video