Froggy's Testimonial
Struggling with ADHD
hey guys, my name is Froggie Dang, and I wanted to talk about and do a testimonial for Doctor Garrett, Doctor Kendra, and Arise Functional Health. So, months ago, I went to go see them and I was having issues personally and in business with concentration, being present, just being scattered all over the place. I know I, in the past I've been diagnosed with ADHD or ADD. I can't remember which one. And I just noticed that when I would work, I'd have like 15 emails opened up trying to do 15 things at the same time, and it wasn't working for me. When you take that and you add it to my personal life, I was just all over the place. Well, I sat down and met with Doctor Garrett Doctor and Doctor Kendra, and we started talking about brain function, left brain, right brain dominance, and which one was trying to compensate for the other, and they put me through the program and then. 3 months and did a huge turnaround and it's not like what you think. The exercise you're doing are so elementary, but it's funny how you do it and it makes an impact in your life. What I noticed from the 3 months that when I'm sitting at work, I'm able to be much more efficient. I'm able to concentrate on one thing at a time to get it done to its full capacity or to its fully completed before we move on to my next task. And that was massive for me. Because it just helped my business go into a different trajectory. It allowed me to be more present in my conversations. It allowed me to put my phone away and not be distracted by it and being constantly checking my phone all the time. And then another big, huge, and most important byproduct was my home life, me being more present with my children, being present with my spouse, my wife, and just creating a better rich environment for my family and myself. So I can't give them enough thanks for what they've done for me. Myself, my family, my business. So, thank you, Doctor G. Thank you, Doctor Kendra.