

January 19, 2025

Video Transcript

What was going on?

What concern or struggle brought you to Arise?

before coming in, um, my biggest concerns with Noah were his struggles academically. Um, he, um, struggled both in reading and in math. Um, it just was very laborious for him to read, um, frustrating, lots of tears. Um, and very slow progress, um, working memory was a big struggle, um, and same for math, um, just basic addition and subtraction. It was very hard for him to remember math facts. Even learning his letters and numbers took years, took a really long time. Um, and so, uh, it was really hard to progress in both of those subjects. Uh, so those were the major concerns, but there were also, um, some. Um, struggles with sensory experiences. So, um, he was very sensitive to touch, um, and had some motor tics, um, and, um, sometimes some oral fixation, so definitely some sensory concerns too.

What did you try before coming to Arise?

What other therapies or interventions did you try?

before coming, we tried vision therapy for 6 months. There was some progress there, um, that was fruitful and some effort. Um, but, um, also, we just had to keep trying different things as far as reading and math. So, um, we tried a couple of different curriculums, um, for reading and a couple of different curriculums for math, but the progress was just painfully slow.

What Life Changing Results have you seen?

What Life long impactful changes have you seen?

So he's definitely less sensitive to touch, um, can receive hugs and, and back rubs and things like that without reacting. Um, he has an easier time eating. Um, he was definitely having some gag reflex struggles with certain textures, and he'll eat anything that I feed him now, and there's no problem. Um, no, um, gagging or reflex in that sense, um, and, uh, as far as reading and math goes, it's definitely a lot easier for him now, um, less laborious, um, he's more fluent, um, he's decoding easier, um, he's remembering math facts and progressing, um, a lot more quickly than he was before,

How has Arise Functional Health been different?

How is Arise Functional Health different from thing you have tried in the past?

coming here has been different in that, um, in the past I felt like we were just trying different ways to do the same thing, so, um, just different ways to try to get him reading, different ways to try to get him doing the math computation, um, with little success or very slow progress. It's not as if there wasn't progress but very slow progress, um, and I feel like as I when I came here and got him assessed, um. Doctor Larrington did a great job of really helping me to understand what exactly was happening in the brain that was preventing him from um being able to read and do math in the same way that I can or my other kids can um and so uh it was just a much different approach because we were helping the brain to develop and to grow in ways that maybe it hadn't. Maybe he had had some regressions um so that he could do those things more easily and so that he could have those sensory experiences in a way that is more similar to the way I experience touch um and you know have the same experience when he's eating and and not struggle with gagging and all of that because we've helped the brain to progress and develop in ways that it possibly didn't when he was younger.

Final Thoughts

Any last remarks or words of encouragement for other families?

I am so grateful for the Larrington's because um I never feel like I'm a burden um anytime I have a question it's always met with immediate responses very thorough responses um and there's just always um I'm always met with. We want you to ask questions and we want you to come to us for help, and that's what we're here for. So the quality of care is, you know, 10 to 1 in comparison to other practitioners.

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