
Terry for Patient Testimonials

December 12, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Terry

Tell us a little bit about yourself

Terry: Hello, my name is Terry. I'm from Amherst Nova Scotia. I live here in Hamilton, Ontario now. And, I like to watch the Maple Leafs. I like to watch the Hamilton Tiger Cats. I, worked at, many places. I was a crane operator. I was a warehouse supervisor.

Tell us about your diagnosis

Terry: Hello. It's Terry again. I was diagnosed with asthma when I was three months old and I was hospitalized twice at, around the same time. And, eventually I ended up with COPD and, I had no understanding of any of it, of what, what it was doing to me until I got hooked into Best Care.

How has your life changed since your diagnosis?

Terry: Hi, Terry. Terry again. The struggles I've had with asthma and COPD are tremendous. It disabled me from, to be able to do my own laundry. Stand up in the shower, go grocery shopping. I couldn't even laugh at a funny joke without coughing for a half hour. And, and since I ran into my dear friend, asthma, and COPD lady, she's made my life tremendously better.

How has Best Care impacted your life?

Terry: Right. Terry back. I started smoking 50 years ago and, since I was, since I have been with Best Care, now I have actually stopped smoking and they didn't pressure me to stop. They didn't threaten me to stop. And all the wonderful things I can do now after a short period of time is... I can walk 20 blocks without stopping. I can go to the grocery store, get my groceries and walk back home. I can do my own laundry. I don't have to have somebody hold me up in the shower. It's just tremendously great that I did get referred to my dear friend who works for Best Care.

Do you have a message for others about the Best Care program?

Terry: Amazing Terry back again. I guess this is a message for doctors. My doctor had referred me to Best Care because he wasn't quite sure about my breathing. And I have to thank that doctor because I think he saved my life by sending me to Best Care. And Best Care has done a world of good for me and he can do a world of good for you if you just get through the right channels and get here.

Produced with Vocal Video