
James for Patient Testimonials

December 12, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: James

Tell us a little bit about yourself

James : Hello, everyone. My name is Jamie. I'm 54 years old. I'm a career long, auto factory worker. 30 plus years in the auto industry. I'm currently unemployed right now. But, that's, hopefully gonna change soon. My family, see, my family, I'm the only one. I, there's myself and my sister, my mother and father are both passed on. My mother and father were both, long time smokers, a pack of cigarettes every day for as long as I was alive. And, my sister was also a smoker as well. We're both longtime smokers who have just recently quit and, we're here, to try and, feel better now that we've finally kicked nicotine.

Tell us about your diagnosis

James : As far as my diagnosis is concerned in 2021 at work, I noticed I was feeling really out of breath after, my, mid, mid, after midday, near the end of my shift. And when I mentioned it to my doctor, he said that I definitely had COPD probably from years of smoking at the time I was still smoking cigarettes. He, prescribed, some puffers which, began to help immediately. But the real, change didn't come until I quit smoking cigarettes. And when I did that, then I really noticed the COPD, moving upstairs and what not. Excuse me, the doctor was, very accommodating and set me up with the, this, program, the Best Best Care program. And, through that they have, tried to fine tune my puffers so that I'm able to breathe better so that I'm able to be more active.

How has your life changed since your diagnosis?

James : Um, since my diagnosis, I have noticed that going upstairs is incredibly difficult. I have to stop sometimes halfway up. I definitely have to stop at the top and get my, my breath when I'm at rest, I'm fine. But anytime I go to exert myself to do anything, I notice that I am extremely out of breath, with the diagnosis of COPD and everything, it's understood why that happens. And hopefully, with a little more fine tuning, I can figure out how to adjust the puffers so that I can start to be more active. Have you experienced any challenges because of your condition? Yes, I'm having a hard time getting a job right now because I'm not as able as I was earlier and just regular things I do outside. I'm, I'm limited to what I can do physically now, sports and whatnot. It's not as bad as I I've seen but it's to the point where it's bothering me to a point where it has changed my life. Definitely.

How has Best Care impacted your life?

James : Since being involved with the Best Care program. I've talked with a couple of therapists who have explained to me what's happening in my lungs when I have these attacks. They also explain to me what's happening when I take my puffers and how it releases some of the pressure that blows up. Along with that, they also explain to me when I do my breathing tests when I'm watching the numbers and, and the graphs, they're explaining each and every part as to what's going on in my lungs when the numbers go up or when they plateau or when they drop. The more understanding I have of this, the easier it is for me to, to deal with it. Has your educator made an impact in your life? Yes. My educators, I've seen a couple of educators, they have both made impacts in my life. As far as tips to get past anxiety attacks or panic attacks or COPD attacks, which to me, I find very similar and as far as educating me going forward in my diagnosis as how, how we're going to attack this with the puffers and, preventative measures such as taking my puffers before I go for walks. Things like that. All that education helps me to understand what's going on.

Do you have a message for others about the Best Care program?

James : If there's anyone listening who has COPD and is having a hard time dealing with it, I strongly advise to get involved with the Best Care program. They will, they will extend your understanding of the situation of the disease itself and they will, I'm sure help you out. These people have done everything they can to help me out. It's never about a money thing. It's never about anything more than making sure that I'm looked after and that I'm getting my oxygen. I'm also if there's any politicians listening, this is one of those programs that definitely needs to be to stay funded. I've been involved with a lot of programs and this one is definitely, is, is definitely helping me out. It's definitely worth worthwhile.

Produced with Vocal Video